Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Working Man

partner in crime tall ted and i are conjuring our next epic. which will hopefully entail flying to europe in the fall for a 'credit card' style bike tour. that means you are riding extremely light, no more than 8 lbs. of gear, and crashing couches and hostels when need be on your travels. this way you can get plenty of 100 mile days and can enjoy the classic climbs that the tour de france rides.

hopefully coming soon to a jackson-hole near you:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This post if for Kori.

business idea du jour. i am sure someone already makes this, but probably not with a lid. i hate how many cups i still manage to toss away after one use.

not sure where it came from but it sure was fun. michael jackson is the only way to start a DP. period. oh and paper bird's is an awesome band.

without a camera. best buy, for crying out loud, you are losing my business. why did i pay 80 dollars for an insurance plan if i have to spend 3 hours a week on the phone for 4 months to ensure that it doesn't fall through the cracks. i have decided to go to plan B: i will be selling a pair of skis and purchasing a sweet cannon with HD film abilities. sickbird.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Indoor Dryer Vent

Or "business idea du jour" if you live in the 35 e. snowking complex, was a way to recycle/reuse the heat from a dryer. this idea promptly put me to research. an average dryer uses aprox. 200 cubic feet of air per minute. it pulls air from inside the house spilling it outside. in the winter, that means the hot air that you already paid for, is being dumped outside at the rate of having a window open with a fan in it. in addition, it creates a vacuum inside your house, meaning all of those small cracks around doors, windows and chimney's turn into a highway for cold air to cool your house.

i try not to use a dryer. one of the first things i do when i move into a new house is install an indoor clothesline. p-cord and i-hooks. works great. and my clothes don't shrink or wear out as fast. anyways, i started writing a business plan for this idea to create a filter for the lent, and allowing hot, humid air (clutch in dry climates) to not escape outside, but inside.

after 2 hours of geeking out... damnit. it already exists. there are a few models actually, here is one. i will be purchasing one for my house, even though i won't be living here in 5 months. it's less than 15 bucks. just google shop "indoor dryer vent" and you'll find a bunch of dealers.

in other news, i should be getting a replacement camera soon. pictures of the so far cold/dry ski season to come.